Friday, March 13, 2009

Sort of Week Off in New York

Well I ended up being sick for almost all of our time off between the New York run and the continuation of the tour.  It was really sad, but on the other hand I survived two months in Minneapolis, many load-outs in freezing temperatures without a jacket, and never got sick when it mattered, so I couldn't complain too much about losing my free time.

I had planned to do two performances of Phantom during the four days off -- one to deck and one to call.  Since I was sick, I was only able to do the Thursday one, which I called.  It was very nice to be back.  The funny thing was that I kept getting similar reactions from many people when they would be told, "Karen's calling the show tonight."

2nd ASM: (maniacal laughter)

1st ASM: "Are you serious?"

Conductor: "You're kidding!"

Automation Carpenter: "They're letting you call the show?" (this doesn't really count because he says this in response to my check-in every single time I call)

I was fully confident that I was ready to call, but yes I did have some butterflies.  Most of all, I wanted to stretch different stage management muscles than are required on Henry.

I once asked a sound man friend if his show was difficult to mix, and his response was, "it's three hours long, it doesn't matter if it's an easy show, three hours of concentrating on anything makes it a hard show." I find the same to be true of Henry. It's not hard to call at all, and it's not so boring that you can lose your place entirely, it's just hard to have the stamina to care about every cue, and stay interested and engaged.  So I found it funny at Phantom when I reached intermission after a first act that clocked in at 1:13:45, and felt more exhausted than I ever have after all three hours of Henry, with almost half the show left to go.  By the end I was wiped out, but it felt good, like after a hard workout.   It was a good show, and thoroughly uneventful,  except for a report from the cast of conspicuous picture-takers in the fourth row, which I relayed to the house manager.   Then the next morning I got on a plane to continue our tour.

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