Saturday, March 7, 2009

New York, End of Week 2

Well it's getting to be that time. Since yesterday, people are starting to think of our stay at the New Vic in the past tense. Conversations revolve around airline reservations, packing of luggage, and what people are bringing from home to put in their road boxes so they don't have to carry them to Baton Rouge. When I look at my belongings at the theatre, I'm always making a mental list of what can be packed when.

The run here has been absolutely perfect. Every day Joel pops into my office at least twice and says, "Is everything OK? Need anything?" and every day I have absolutely nothing to say. I don't think there has been anything unexpected or undesirable that has happened during the run except that our center footlight went down early in the first week. The folks here, and the well-designed facility, have definitely spoiled us, but it will also be fun to get on the road again and see what new experiences await us at each venue to come. It helps that this leg of the tour coming up is the most comfortable and the most scenic, so that's some motivation to get up from our cozy place here at home. We're only out for four weeks before we have our vacation week, so it's not even too much time away from home.

The cancelation of the performances in North Carolina next week also affords us some extra (paid) free time in New York, which is pretty amazing. I will be doing two shows at Phantom, as well as spending a day visiting my parents. It's amazing how much there is to do when you haven't been around in a while. I was expecting to have a lot of down time to just sit at home and sleep, but everybody wants you to come see their show, come have a drink, come over and watch a movie. I haven't been able to fulfill all those requests because I'm really trying to take it easy and take advantage of this time to rest before our life of 20-hour work days begins again.

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