Tuesday, March 31, 2009

The Ongoing Adventures of a Geek Without a Computer

Day 5 without computer. The 4" iPhone screen is feeling extremely claustrophobic. I don't mind it so much for reading web pages, but for any page that requires input and typing (blogs, forums, etc.) it can be really frustrating to use, and usually doesn't render properly.

I'm currently using Nick's Macbook. It's load-in day, and we're basically done after an hour, as usual. So I'm grabbing this opportunity to bogart his computer once again. It's kind of comical how many copies I have of my "TAC" folder with all the show stuff in it. It's still on my computer somewhere out there in the bowels of Apple repair world, it's on my backup drive, on Nick's computer, and on two thumb drives. The only thing left for me to do would be to hide the two thumb drives in different places -- like put one of them in my suitcase. Which is probably a good idea since normally all three of my thumb drives live side-by-side in my computer bag (which I suppose should now be referred to as "bag").

We're loading in in Tucson, where the Arizona Theatre Company has another venue. A lot of the department heads are the same folks we worked with in Phoenix, so it's been very easy. The theatre is not quite as fancy, but it seems very nice so far. I took some video of our truck driver, Scotty D., backing the trailer at a crazy angle to their loading dock.

Well I must move on and do all the other things that one does while one has a computer.

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