Saturday, February 14, 2009

My Inner Monologue in Weather Widgets

Our wardrobe supervisor has nicknamed this tour "The Big Thaw" as we are (theoretically) moving from one of the coldest places national tours go, in the middle of winter, to the warmer climates of the US as we get towards summer.  After two months in Minneapolis, we are all a little bit obsessed with the weather.  It's a constant topic of discussion among both cast and crew.  What is the weather like tomorrow?  Will it rain on load-out day?  What's the forecast in our next city for the day we arrive?  What did your mom/brother/spouse/roommate tell you on the phone this morning about the weather in New York?

I currently keep four weather widgets running on my dashboard at all times, which usually have to be updated every day or two as we travel.  Below is an example of a current screenshot, and the purpose that each of them serves.  Bear in mind when looking at these that a week ago the crew was in Nashville on our day off, wearing tee shirts and eating outdoors at a restaurant when it was 73 degrees.

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