Tuesday, January 6, 2009

The Truck

I know I haven't been posting much. Things have been rather busy and crazy. This morning was a huge event in our process -- our truck showed up at the Guthrie loading dock. I've been looking forward to this moment for a while. Partially because everything that's of any use in the world is on it -- ask the question "Do we have _________?" and the answer invariably is "It'll be on the truck."

Our load-in for Henry V began today, and by 3PM when Nick and I stopped by for a while, the "gallery" scaffolding and the first level's walls were up. Nick gave me the grand tour of backstage (which I missed while minding yesterday's rehearsal, when we brought the cast for a field trip to the theatre with our vocal coaches, so they could play around with making sound in the actual space). The booth is in a rather strange spot, high up over the stage above stage right, but the view is unobstructed, and there's a very nice set of infrared and color cameras with a frontal view.

Tech starts tomorrow, and I'm off to get a good night's sleep!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

wondef full photo!