Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Sometimes Apple Scares Me

But in that way that you can't even worry about your privacy because it's just so damn cool.

Hey, two posts in one day! I have to tell you what just happened to me.

I'm doing this reading next week, so I'm in preproduction. I have some contact info for the cast and creative team, so I'm starting to enter it into Apple's Address Book app. I'm using the cool new feature that Mail has in Leopard where it detects phone numbers and e-mail addresses in your mail and offers to add them to your address book. Since the only contact info I have is in plain text in an e-mail from the director, this saves me a lot of retyping or cutting and pasting. The system is not perfect by any means, but it's still a time saver.

So I get to this one actor, who is a Broadway actor that I've vaguely heard of, but one I'm sure I've never met. I create a contact in my address book based on his e-mail address, and when I later go back to sort my contacts, I find that the guy's headshot has been added in the photo slot of his contact file! I then see that his e-mail is from a dot Mac account, which no doubt somehow explains this. I'm not sure if this is a feature you have to opt in for, but what I'm guessing is happening is that Address Book automatically matches @mac.com e-mail addresses to the person's account and their own address card. It hasn't filled in any other personal information though, as I'm still lacking his phone number (this is definitely a good thing, for privacy reasons). Maybe it just does the picture. I will post an update if I find out more about how this is done.

UPDATE: Found out how it's done. A quick search on MacNN solves all.
If you have a .Mac account you can go to the webmail page (webmail.mac.com) and click on preferences (upper right of your mailbox area). In the "Composing" tab, there is a place where you can add your photo. Presumably from there all Mac users will see this photo when they read your e-mails in Mail or they enter your e-mail address in their Address Book. I didn't have a photo set, but obviously I need to add one now. Will it look unprofessional if I use my default iChat icon?

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