We had our first rehearsal for
42nd Street today. Some of the principals worked on vocals in the daytime and in the evening the full company came together for the meet & greet, then the ensemble learned their vocals, and then went to work on the opening number. They learned the whole thing and it would be no exaggeration to say they tapped up a storm. This is going to be a great company, and there are a number of dancers with whom I've done prior Reagle shows, but haven't seen in a while and am very glad to be working with again.
Meanwhile on stage the crew is going full steam to put this huge set together. The set was just purchased by Reagle at the end of last summer, and this is the first time it will be used. It came in a bit of disrepair from its former owner, and this production will be an opportunity for the Reagle crew to work their magic and refurbish it so that it will be ready for rental to other theatres around the country. The sets, props and costumes that Reagle owns are a great source of additional income.
Singin' in the Rain went to Oklahoma as soon as we were done with it, and I believe they open very soon, and the gorgeous
Crazy for You package, which is the original Toronto production sets, props and costumes (Robin Wagner, William Ivey Long -- it's amazing), has just returned from Ogunquit Playhouse and will soon be going off somewhere else. I believe the new
King and I set is also being saved for future rentals. So getting this set in shape will have benefits far beyond just the next four weeks.
Large objects are springing up hourly. Here we have various pieces of the train cars:

At one point I came out of the shop and onto the stage expecting to look out into the house and found a giant wall had appeared since the last time I passed through. This is the "Maison des Dames," a flown contraption of velour, muslin and hard flats with a set of doors that is used at the beginning of the "Dames" number. The front is quite nice, although it needs a lot of love at the moment to fix some tears and broken moulding.

I believe tomorrow's agenda is for the big railway station set to be assembled.
Also, here are a few shots from the strike of
The King and I.

Following the path of exiting scenery, from stage left past the prop table, off the loading dock and into the warehouse across the parking lot.
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