In preparing the calendar, it was the first real opportunity I had to examine Bob's schedule in depth. I don't really advise doing this five hours before distributing the schedule, but better late than never. What I'm looking for is two things:
1. Most importantly, is anything scheduled that's a violation of Equity rules? The first thing I look at is span of day. Our contract allows for either an 8.5 hr day with a 1.5 hr meal break, or an 8 hr day with a 1 hr meal break. I make sure it's not over that amount, and that the proper meal break is applied depending on the span of day. The next question is whether the meal break is spaced properly in the day. There is a decent amount of flexibility in this, but there can't be more than 5 working hours on either end of the meal break. The final question is the 12-hour rest period between rehearsals. If rehearsal ends at 10:30PM, the next day's rehearsal can't start until 10:30AM. This is something to keep an eye on at Reagle because rehearsals are late in the day during the week and early on the weekends, to accommodate our cast members with "real jobs." It's an easy mistake to accidentally infringe on the 12 hours between Friday night and Saturday morning.
2. Once I know the schedule is legal, the next question is, does it make sense? One of the greater challenges of stage management is that you're supposed to think of absolutely everything and fix everyone's problems before they occur. Thinking through the schedule and looking for trouble spots or areas that could obviously be improved is part of that. In my perusal of the schedule today, I discovered that we had a 1.5 hr lunch break for an 8 hr rehearsal on the weekend of the first week. As much as I hated to give up that nice long lunch, the fact is we don't need that long of a break if we're taking the shorter day, and were losing a half hour of productive time each day as a result. So we fixed that. I also suggested a time change on the two days before tech to shift an extra hour to the evening so we would have more time for our scheduled runs of the show.
I hate math, and I hate math with time, but it's very helpful to be able to work quickly in your head with common time-usage situations that one might encounter in rehearsal. Part of this is knowing your contract's specific rehearsal rules inside out (or having a copy of the rulebook handy for those really obscure questions, like how many hours can you rehearse on a 1-show day after the week of the first public performance -- I always have to look those up). Equity's web site has all the rule books in PDF format in the Document Library. The beauty of this is that a) they take up no physical space or weight in digital format, and b) you can easily search them for whatever term you're looking for. I was lucky in my early career to have spent most of my non-Equity years working on Equity Showcases (unless you don't count working for like $0.25 /hr lucky), where I had to enforce all the Equity rules even though I wasn't covered by them myself. By the time I got my card I was completely comfortable with all the basic rules. The numbers change (in general as the minimum salary goes up, so does the number of hours you work), but for the most part the concepts are the same. If you can afford to work for very little, I recommend it to aspiring Equity stage managers, as it will allow you to already know what you're doing if you suddenly get your first Equity contract as a PSM and everyone expects you to know what you're doing.

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