Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Good Morning

I've realized I find the song "Good Morning" annoying. I haven't been able to figure out if I'm the only one, but I'm probably the only one who has been so permanently scarred by that song.

When I was in high school, I had a teacher, Mrs. Schneider. She taught physics and chemistry, and she was fond of making up songs about either subject. Generally she would take some standard, and replace the words with something about physics or chemistry. Sometimes they would actually be educational, to help you remember things, and other times they were just pointless, like this one:

"Good morning, good morning!
It's great to start the day
Good morning, in a physical way!"

If it was a chemistry class, then she'd say "chemical" instead.

I didn't realize until now, when I actually know how the song goes, how badly she butchered it. And if it was an afternoon class, you'd think she'd be out of luck, right? Oh no. She could cram "Good afternoon" in there instead. In fact, I think she even said, "It's great to start the afternoon."

The important thing to remember here is not just that this annoying song existed, but that she sang it at the very beginning of class every day! And I had her for two years!
A perfectly good showtune, ruined for me.

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