So I got a 3G iPhone this weekend. In brief, it's everything I thought it would be: incredibly cool, and lacking a number of obvious features that I hope I can live without.
Things I LOOOVE:
MobileMe (when it works). Push seems to work sometimes and not others. Sometimes my phone receives mail before the desktop, and sometimes it seems to forget to check. The other thing to know (which Apple never really made clear) is that push only works on the iPhone and the MobileMe servers, your desktop will not push out to the "cloud," only at 15 minute intervals. I can see how this will result in things getting completely out of sync.
I woke up this morning to see that about 700 of my contacts were gone. They still existed on my Mac and on MobileMe, so everything was fine, but somehow the phone lost them. Not sure what's going on with that. I love the idea of what MobileMe is, and I can't believe it's taken Apple so long to get something going on the concept of "Exchange for the rest of us." I don't work in a corporate environment, but my job could sure benefit from Exchange-type features, and Apple was just the company to do it. I'm glad to see that's finally taking shape. I just hope it's more reliable than .Mac was. So far it would seem... no. But it's only been like 4 days.
Coming from AT&T's Tilt (aka HTC's Kaiser), which has horrible video performance, the UI is just gorgeous. This is not something really particular to the new iPhone, but it's nice to finally get to experience a responsive UI. There are a lot of things that are just iPhone-specific that I'm now getting to enjoy for the first time. Like a wifi setup that's easy enough to do that I actually bother to activate it to take advantage of the higher speeds. On the Tilt it was such a pain that using AT&T's network everywhere was faster and more reliable in the long run.
The camera is actually really good so far. It is what it is, and I know other people expected an upgrade, but this 2MP camera takes much better photos than the 3MP one on the Tilt. It seems to do pretty well in low light conditions as well.
Google Maps -- so much better than the versions available for other phones. Most of all, the bookmarks. I don't understand why all the other versions don't have an easy way of saving locations you use all the time. It works basically like other versions, I haven't tried the turn-by-turn directions on the road yet. I did get completely lost driving in Boston last night and the GPS helped me escape back to the safety of the Mass Pike in just a few minutes, using just the time I had while stopped at red lights. I didn't actually do a search for directions, just pressed the button to find my location and looked at the map to figure out which street I had to get on. The GPS link is very fast (probably using a combination of cell location, that wifi-search-thing they're using, and actual GPS -- but I think the real GPS must work quickly because the location is too accurate to be anything else). My Tilt could take minutes to get a GPS lock, if ever.
The App Store I'm a bit addicted to the App Store at the moment, seeing all there is to see. I have always bought tons of software for my phones, but this is the first platform I've used where free trials aren't the norm. I haven't made any purchases that I really regret, but I know they're coming.
So far I have: Super Monkey Ball (just because it's the "in" thing to buy -- it's cool)
MotoRacer (just to play with the accelerometer in a racing game)
Enigmo (a puzzle game which got great reviews -- I like it)
SplashID (a secure password and personal info app which I've used for probably 7 years now on Palm)
Citytransit New York (I'm away from home right now, but this is a really cool subway / train map and service advisory program which I can't wait to put to use)
I haven't gone crazy with the free apps, but these are the ones I have:
Remote (Apple's own app to control iTunes on your Mac or AppleTV via wifi)
NY Times (nice format for checking out what's going on in the world while bored)
IGN Reviews (for those times when I'm in a game store and need to read a review fast)
Shazam (listens to a song and tells you the name and artist -- seems to work well, even on showtunes)
Facebook (quite limited, but good for quick status updates and stuff)
No ability to send mail from an alias. I have 3 aliases in addition to my main account on MobileMe. Unlike on the desktop Mail app (or any other phone app I've ever used) there's no way to send an outgoing message from one of the other aliases. It's not something I need too often, but it's making me consider switching away from my MobileMe account and getting a bunch of gmail accounts for my secondary emails instead.
Copy and paste (of course). Have only needed it once so far in the last 3 days, when someone texted me and asked for someone else's phone number.
Tethering: I would gladly pay AT&T more if I had to in order to get Bluetooth tethering support. I use it CONSTANTLY at work, and kind of can't live without it. I often work in places without internet access, so I need to bring my own, and doing everything on the phone is not enough -- I need my laptop to be able to get online. The only way I managed to buy the iPhone at all is with the hope that if I had to I could stick the SIM card in my Tilt and tether that way (I hope). But that involves carrying the Tilt around and keeping it charged. Once the new software is jailbroken there should be a way to do it. I just hope that happens soon. I really wouldn't mind doing it legally, if AT&T were willing to take my money, but I guess they're not.
I read on a theatrically-minded review that you can't turn off the cell radio without going into airplane mode, meaning you can't use wifi with the cell radio off. I have happily found that this is not true! You go into airplane mode and it will shut off all radios, but you can then turn the wifi radio back on. This is very helpful for theatrical types because phone radios (particularly GSM) cause interference with speakers and wireless headsets, and the sound people and anyone on headset with you will hate you if you leave your phone on during a show. But wifi frequencies do not cause this problem, so I'm used to using wifi to continue to have data access when I need to turn my phone off, and I'm glad to see the lack of this was just a false alarm.
Anyway, so far I'm very happy, and I know this is just the beginning for MobileMe and the App Store, and there should be some new stuff coming soon.